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Which Type of Wine Contains the Most Resveratrol?

May 05, 2024
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Take a deeper dive into the potential health benefits of the phytonutrient resveratrol.

If you're curious about which wine has the highest levels of resveratrol, Pinot Noir stands out. Resveratrol is a phytonutrient from the polyphenolic family of compounds known as stilbenes, which function as anti-fungals. Found in the skins of grapes, resveratrol is produced as a response to mold, aiding the plant—in this case, the grapes—in survival. Pinot Noir grapes, typically cultivated in cooler, moister climates, are particularly rich in this compound.

However, before you start pouring a nightly glass of Pinot Noir to boost your resveratrol intake, it's important to understand the context. The concentrations of resveratrol studied for significant health impacts typically greatly exceed what can be consumed responsibly through wine. While not a solution for resveratrol supplementation, Pinot Noir and other wines do offer phytonutrient benefits.

The Promising Health Benefits of Resveratrol

Resveratrol is lauded for its antioxidant properties among other health advantages, such as enhancing longevity, reducing cancer risk, and improving insulin sensitivity and cardiovascular health. It appears to work through a variety of mechanisms, including enhancing mitochondrial function, inhibiting certain enzymes, and modulating transcription factors. This multi-faceted approach suggests that regular consumption from diverse sources might amplify its health benefits.

Beyond Wine: Other Sources of Resveratrol

To maintain a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle, consider these natural sources of resveratrol:

  1. Blueberries - A delightful and versatile fruit.
  2. Red Grapes and Grape Juice - Enjoy the raw fruit or as a refreshing juice.
  3. Cranberries - Perfect for sauces or as a snack.
  4. Bilberries - Similar to blueberries, but with higher concentrations of antioxidants.
  5. Peanuts - A great addition to dishes or as a standalone snack.
  6. Mulberries - Delicious in jams, yogurts, or on their own.

Incorporating these foods into your diet can help you enjoy the potential health benefits of resveratrol without relying solely on wine or supplements. I'd love to hear how you include these phytonutrients in your meals. Share your favorite recipes and tips in the comments below!



Santos-Buelga C, González-Manzano S, González-Paramás AM. Wine, Polyphenols, and Mediterranean Diets. What Else Is There to Say? Molecules. 2021 Sep 12;26(18):5537. doi: 10.3390/molecules26185537. PMID: 34577008; PMCID: PMC8468969.

Catalgol B, Batirel S, Taga Y, Ozer NK. Resveratrol: French paradox revisited. Front Pharmacol. 2012 Jul 17;3:141. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2012.00141. PMID: 22822401; PMCID: PMC3398412.

Mukherjee S, Dudley JI, Das DK. Dose-dependency of resveratrol in providing health benefits. Dose Response. 2010 Mar 18;8(4):478-500. doi: 10.2203/dose-response.09-015.Mukherjee. PMID: 21191486; PMCID: PMC2990065.

Diaz-Gerevini GT, Repossi G, Dain A, Tarres MC, Das UN, Eynard AR. Beneficial action of resveratrol: How and why? Nutrition. 2016 Feb;32(2):174-8. doi: 10.1016/j.nut.2015.08.017. Epub 2015 Sep 25. PMID: 26706021.